Galaxiaverse: A New Era 🌌

At the moment of the universe’s creation with the big bang, five planets appeared: Crystal, Ice, Forest, Lava, and Desert. Each planet was made up of one of five main substances: Diamond, Water, Earth, Fire, and Stardust. During the time that humanity lived on Earth, they were far removed from these substances and planets.
However, at the beginning of the third millennium, in the year A.C. 3100, Earth’s resources had been completely exhausted. Humanity, driven by their passion for exploration, began to journey through the resources of the universe. After a catastrophic disaster, humanity turned their technological advancements that had been developed for war towards the stars, searching for meaning and signs of new life.
As a result of their search for meaning and signs of new life, humanity landed on a new galaxy, the Galaxiaverse.
The first place they landed, the Social Hub, appeared to be a suitable habitat for them. As they began to navigate the Social Hub, they continued to explore new areas.
The first place they saw was the Football Stadium. As they continued, they encountered the Concert Hall, Cinema, NFT Museum, and Social Mall. Seeing that there were areas in Galaxiaverse where they could continue their old habits excited humanity, who had suffered from the recent disaster.
With the addition of the “Shooter” and “Race Track” areas, which allowed them to socialize and practice their skills to protect themselves while exploring the galaxy, they felt much stronger.
Furthermore, during their exploration of this new galaxy, they were surprised to find that each substance had its own planet. Humanity formed a discovery team for each substance and started to build their own planets. By doing so, they hoped to gain an understanding of the substances and their connections, which would help them understand the meaning and signs of new life.
As for the question of which substance to discover and which planet to build, that’s up to each individual to decide. Join the discovery teams at new life and build your own planet based on the five main items. Start discovering! 🚀
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